Thursday, September 20, 2012

You Put My Love On Top

Girls, throw your guy a bone once in a while. Yes, of course we expect our men to be romantic ;) But hey, it is a two way street, so here's some suggestions for showing him some love

1. If you catch him playing a video game, sit down beside him and ask him if you can play together the next round. Even if you're not into gaming, he'll appreciate the effort to participate in something he likes

2. If he's having a crazy week, help him out with some chores that are usually his like washing the dishes or taking out the trash, to help lighten his load

3. Suggest a fancy place for dinner and drinks, then surprise him by picking up the check

4. Surprise him with his favorite treat (cookies, pizza, etc) All guys love to eat.

5. When you're out together, make a point to touch his arm, rub his back, graze his leg- guys are very tactile so physical contact shows you're feeling close to him

6. Hand write a short, sweet note and leave it somewhere for him to find (like a sock drawer)

7. Suggest plans that involve his friends, it lets him know you want to get to know his group

8. Become addicted to a new show together, and make it a "date" to watch it together each week

9. Slip him a compliment every once in a while

10. Post-date, send him a quick text to thank him and let him know what a great time you had. It's sweet and lets him know you're still thinking about him

Baby it's you, you're the one I love, you're the one I needddd (channeling Beyonce today ;P )
Your Romance Concierge

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